Parameters of compensation for moral damages in Labor Law
The purpose of this article is to analyze the parameters for quantifying moral damages convictions introduced by the Labor Reform (Law No. 13.467/2017) and seeks to evaluate whether these parameters contribute to the symbolic protection of the personality. The article begins with a historical reconstruction of the institute of Moral Damage and discusses its legacy for our society and for Private Law. Next, the reflection places moral damages within the framework of the protection of human dignity and presents their consequences for the rights of the personality. Subsequently, a legal discussion is presented on the institute of individual moral damages and the role of sanctions of a civil nature, historically introduced by Modern Law, in the protection of personality rights. Finally, in light of the theoretical reflections on moral damages, the article evaluates the innovations brought by the Labor Reform regarding the parameters of quantification of moral damages and whether such innovations allow interpretation according to the current legislation on moral damages.
KEYWORDS: Moral damage. Personality Rights. Labor Reform. Criteria for fixation. Fiduciary preventive function.
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