Collective bargaining and the period of maternity leave
empirical study in the information technology segment
Introduction: The birth of a child, constitutionally guaranteed reproductive right, represents a high opportunity cost and maternal burdens, especially in the early days of life. This situation may lead to different legally protective norms, sectorially negotiated, and government incentives specifically regarding the number of days off. Therefore, maternity leave is the subject of interest in this research, which aims to address the investigation towards a sector that has national and international interfaces, besides representing the paradigm of the current economy, namely information technology.
Objective: This article aims to investigate and describe the (non)convergence between maternity leave regulation, labor law; the Collective Labor Convention 2020/2021 SP012268/2021 and the realization, through the Sustainability Report document, of the right based on the practice of a company with recognized leadership in the Information Technology sector, listed on B3, the Brazilian stock exchange.
Methodology: The study included, in summary, a methodology based on documentary analysis and a classification model to analyze and discuss the implementation of the most favorable labor standard for maternity.
Results: Legal and contractual norms were identified as a result of the research, which presented a period superior to the initially fixed in the Consolidation of Labor Laws. It was possible to identify contemporary public policy associated with tax benefits in order to extend the maternity leave period.
Conclusion: As a research finding, it can be concluded that there is convergence between collective bargaining and the implementation of the most beneficial norm, favoring public policy for maternity protection for workers, specifically exceeding the period determined in legal text.
KEYWORDS: Collective bargaining. Maternity leave. Information technology sector.
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