Ageismo no mercado de trabalho
Uma revisão sistemática
This study aims to critically conduct a systematic review on the topic of ageism, understood as ageism in the workplace. To this end, we conducted a systematic literature review, from the EBSCOhost and Scopus databases, considering academic publications from the period 2018 to 2022, with analysis from a hermeneutic perspective. The main findings, point to: a) Exclusion in the labor market: rooted in culture and identified in discriminatory attitudes that prevent hiring due to stereotypes and prejudices; b) Self-ageism: the intensity of prejudice makes people themselves feel unfavorable in some situations because of their age, coming to consider themselves incapable or not deserving of good opportunities; c) Need for change in organizations: with the birth rate reduction and population aging, it becomes urgent age diversity programs in companies, which contribute to the valorization of soft skills in general sharper in more experienced professionals. We conclude that there is a need for reinforcements to further encourage the hiring and retention of more experienced professionals, including in entrepreneurship. A valuing human talents, without discrimination, needs to be established in the institutional cultures, starting with society.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Idio Fridolino Altmann, Louise Quadros da Silva, Charlene Bitencourt Soster Luz, Ingridi Vargas Bortolaso, Paulo Fossatti
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