The role of the Prosecutor´s Labour Office in the field of Health and Safety in the 15th Region
a view on the effectiveness of its intervention in the period between 2013 and 2016
The State's performance through public institutions is essential for the realization of labor law in Brazil due to chronic and persistent non-compliance with the law, including those designed to protect the health and safety of workers. In this scenario, the objective of this article is to discuss and analyze the effectiveness of the work of the Prosecutor's Labour Office as a guardian of law enforcement and enforcement of labor rights, especially rights related to the work environment, an area that involves health, safety and well-being of workers. To this end, the intervention of the institution in the countryside of São Paulo (15th Region of the Public Prosecutor's Labour Office), during the period 2013-2016, was examined by analyzing the extrajudicial and judicial procedures used for investigating, adjusting or prosecuting illicit conducts by employers. The analysis showed that a good part of the terms of adjustment of conduct were effective and there was greater success in the lawsuits, which allows the identification of to identify limitations in the power of coercion of the institution in the resolution of the conflicts in which it intervenes.
KEYWORDS: Prosecutor's Labour Office. Labor Law. Work environment. Health and safety of the worker.
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