The invisible Side of the Economy
criticisms of the Devaluation of Unpaid Domestic Work by Women and Its Implications for Rights Guarantee
Introduction: Unpaid domestic work, predominantly carried out by women, plays a fundamental role in the economy, although it is often made invisible and undervalued by formal political and economic spheres. This devaluation reflects and perpetuates deep gender inequalities, burdening women with double working hours and creating barriers to the realization of their economic, social and cultural rights
Objective: In this context, this article aims to investigate how unpaid domestic work contributes to the functioning of the capitalist economy and analyze the implications of its devaluation for securing women's rights.
Methodology: The research employs a qualitative approach, using bibliographic analysis and a deductive method, seeking to answer the following question: how does the devaluation of unpaid domestic work affect women's rights?
Results: The findings indicate that although this work is essential for both families and the capitalist system, its devaluation reinforces gender inequality and limits women's full participation in the formal labor market. Moreover, this invisibility leads to the exclusion of women from various public policies, complicating efforts to formulate measures that promote gender equality.
Conclusion: Therefore, it is imperative to recognize the economic and social value of unpaid domestic work and to articulate specific public policies aimed at its recognition, promoting equity in the labor field and ensuring women's rights.
KEYWORDS: Domestic work. Gender equality. Reproductive labor. Women. Women's work.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Marli Marlene Moraes da Costa, Nariel Diotto
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.