Vol. 2 No. 2 (2019): Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano - Vol. 2, n.2
The Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano - Revista da Procuradoria Regional do Trabalho da 15ª Região (RJTDH) reaches its third edition with the firm purpose of consolidating itself as a vehicle for the dissemination of qualified knowledge on issues related to the world of work and human rights, produced on the basis of interdisciplinary scientific studies by national and international authors, approved after submission to the double-blind peer review system.
In this issue we offer reflections on different fields of labor relations, all tackling current issues. The writings deal with comparative law on the control of conventionality and arbitration in labor disputes, the intensification of job insecurity due to legislative reforms, economic neoliberalism, workplace accidents in the electricity sector, the economic, social and legal impacts of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution, reflections on the advances and setbacks of diversity in the labor market and, finally, the admissibility of illegal evidence and due process of law.
In short, this is an issue full of topical issues, carefully and scientifically assessed by experts. Have a good read!
The Editorial Team
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