Vol. 1 No. 1 (2018): Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano - Edição Inaugural


The Labour and Human Development Legal Journal was created with the purpose of offering a space for the publication of quality national and international interdisciplinary scientific studies on themes related to labour relations, from the perspective of human and social development, and with a view to contributing to the improvement of theoretical reflections and practical actions related to the legal field and related to the world of labour.

Along these lines, this first issue of the first volume of RTDH presents nine scientific articles written by researchers from different parts of Brazil and abroad, and approved after submission to the double-blind peer review system. The studies deal with various subjects, from law application techniques to occupational health and safety issues, including reflections on work performed through digital platforms, analysis of Brazilian jurisprudence on slave labor, and existential damages in the labor world. In short, it is an edition permeated with current issues, examined with acuity by specialists.

The Labour Prosecution Office of the 15th Region inaugurates, with RTDH, what it intends to be a channel for the diffusion of qualified knowledge directed to the entire community that intends to think the world of labor under a human and solidary perspective.

Enjoy your reading!

The Editorial Team


Published: 2018-12-18

Artigos para o número inaugural da Revista TDH