Instructions for Authors
Electronic submission
Authors must submit their work through the electronic submission system of the Journal, exclusively in Microsoft® Office Word format or equivalent, noting that this content strictly complies with the constant formatting of the official template available here and to the other formatting rules set out below. The submission and processing of articles are completely free of charge.
In the same act of submission, as a condition for receiving and continuing the editorial flow, the person responsible for the submission must complete, sign, and send, in a separate file from the manuscript and in “.pdf” format, a declaration available here (declaration for articles with a single author) and here (declaration for articles with co-authors).
The person responsible for submission must correctly fill out all fields of the submission form (metadata), not forgetting to record the information of all authors of the writing, notably mini-biographies, e-mails and access links to personal pages in the Currículo Lattes (if existent) and ORCiD platforms, respectively, in the "URL" and "ORCiD" fields of the metadata form. Submission and processing of articles are completely free.
Blind review
The journal uses the double-blind peer review method. This means that the manuscript may not contain any authorship information. There is a specific space on the Platform about the authors, so that the manuscript must be properly reviewed before submission, also taking care not to invalidate the evaluation. Use the Inspect Document tool to find and remove hidden data and personal information from Word® documents or equivalent.
During the manuscript submission process until the article is published, author identification is restricted to the Editors, and should be included only in the author registration field during the electronic submission.
Number of authors and minimum academic degree
There is no limit in the number of authors per article, but at least one of the authors should preferably have a doctoral degree and be a permanent lecturer in the Graduate Program of the National Graduate System. Works in which at least one of the co-authors does not hold a master's degree will not be accepted.
Template: to get to know and download the article template with the formatting required by RJTDH, click here.
Text composition: title (and translations), structured abstracts and keywords (and translations), introduction, development and final considerations, and references.
Languages: articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, Italian, French, and German are accepted. Articles will be published in their original language. Titles, abstracts, and keywords of articles written in Portuguese must be translated into two foreign languages, namely, English and Spanish.
Number of pages: between 15 and 30 for scientific articles and up to 6 for critical reviews (exceptions may be admitted, at the Editors' discretion).
Sheet layout: A4 (3.0 cm top and left and 2.0 cm bottom and right).
Format of paragraphs: justified.
Spacing: between lines 1.5cm (summary: simple - 1.0 cm).
Font: as indicated in the template, size 12 (abstract: size 11).
Title: as indicated in the template, in capital letters, bold and centralized, followed by translations into English and Spanish or Portuguese (in the case of a text originally presented in another language).
Structured Abstract and Keywords: abstract between 200-300 words, accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords, separated by periods. Paragraph format: justified. Source: as indicated in the template, size 10. Location: after the title and its translations, followed by the translations into English (abstract and keywords) and Spanish (resumen and keywords). Summaries and their respective translations must necessarily observe the following structure:
- Introduction: contextualization of the problem/research object;
- Objective: statement of the objective of the work, that is, what the author(s) intend(s) to demonstrate or describe;
- Methodology: indication of the scientific method used in conducting the study;
- Results: brief statement of the main results achieved;
- Conclusion: brief formulation of the conclusions regarding the results achieved.
Direct Citations (in the text): as indicated in the template, Long ones (more than 3 lines) - 4cm indentation of the left margin, with font size 10 and single line spacing (1.0cm), without the use of quotation marks. Short ones (up to 3 lines): use of quotation marks, following the same guidelines for the current text, without special indentation. In the case of direct quotations, if they come from a text written in a foreign language, they must necessarily be translated into the language of the written article, maintaining the transcription, in a footnote, of the passage in the original language. For example, for articles written in Portuguese, direct quotations from texts in English must be translated into Portuguese or the current language of the manuscript in the body of the text, with the original citation transcribed in a footnote into Portuguese. Direct citations in the footnotes do not require indentation and must observe the formatting indicated in the template.
References: As indicated in the template, referencing Style: numeric style (do not use "author/date", "Ididem", "Id. Ibid.", "op. cit.", among other abbreviations, repeating the complete references to each occurrence). In the references, it is mandatory to follow the ABNT norms, being fundamental to mention the year, place and, in the case of direct references, the page. If this information is not available, please put s/l (sin loco), s/d (sin data) and s/p (sin pagina). Electronic documents are not required to contain the page, even in direct citations, however, if there is pagination in the original source, it is recommended to place it. Activate all hyperlinks to access sources that have them in their description. Examples:
Book quotes
SEN, Amartya Desenvolvimento como liberdade. Tradução: Laura Teixeira Motta. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2010.
Academic journals
ANTUNES, Ricardo; PRAUN, Lucy A aposta nos escombros: reforma trabalhista e previdenciária - a dupla face de um mesmo projeto. Revista Jurídica Trabalho e Desenvolvimento Humano, v. 2, n. 1, p. 56–81, jul. 2019.
Article and/or magazine article or bulletin in electronic media
MISES, Ludwig von. A Teoria Austríaca dos Ciclos Econômicos. Published by the Ludwig von Mises Brasil Institute on August 27, 2008. Available at: Access on: 23 mar. 2013.
Jurisprudence in electronic media
BRASIL. Supremo Tribunal Federal. Ação direta de inconstitucionalidade nº 3510/DF – Distrito Federal. Relator: Ministro Ayres Britto. Pesquisa de Jurisprudência, Acórdãos, 29 maio 2008. Available at: Acess on: 10 jun. 2014.
Legislation in electronic media
BRASIL. Constituição (1988). Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil. Texto constitucional promulgado em 5 de outubro de 1988, com as alterações adotadas pelas Emendas Constitucionais nos 1/1992 a 76/2013, pelo Decreto Legislativo nº 186/2008 e pelas Emendas Constitucionais de Revisão nºs 1 a 6/1994. 40.ed. com índice. Brasília: Centro de Documentação e Informação (CEDI), 2013. 464 p. Available at: . Acess on: 10 jun. 2019.
BRASIL. Lei nº 12.527, de 18 de novembro de 2011. Regula o acesso a informações previsto no inciso XXXIII do art. 5º, no inciso II do § 3º do art. 37 e no § 2º do art. 216 da Constituição Federal; altera a Lei nº 8.112, de 11 de dezembro de 1990; revoga a Lei nº 11.111, de 5 de maio de 2005, e dispositivos da Lei nº 8.159, de 8 de janeiro de 1991; e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial da União, Atos do Poder Legislativo, Brasília, DF, 18 nov. 2011. Seção 1, p. 1-4. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 jun. 2019.
Highlights: foreign words, technical terms or highlighted should be in italics. Quotation marks only for direct quotations. Italics should not be used to highlight words, but bold, except in the case of direct quotations, when it is necessary to transcribe literally as in the source, but in this case it is necessary to mark, in brackets, "[italics in the original]".
Figures, Graphs and Tables: Figures should have the maximum resolution possible, with minimum resolution being 300 dpi. For Figures, Graphs and Tables, the title should be inserted in the upper part, with indication in Arabic number, centralized, indent and title, font size 12 in bold; in the lower part, the font (reference to the document from which the information/data were extracted) font size 10, centralized.
Acknowledgements: after the conclusion of the text, appendices, annexes and acknowledgements can be inserted. Acknowledgements serve to refer to any grant or financial support institution for the research.
A template containing an article model with the formatting required by the RJTDH can be accessed here.
Submission and verification statement
The responsibility for the contents of the texts lies with the authors. The submission implies that the work has not been published, that it is not under analysis/consideration for publication elsewhere and that the eventual publication is accepted by all authors and authors involved.
Declaration of conflict of interest and use of clinical details, patient data and images
The Journal requires the declaration of any competing interests in relation to the work submitted. The author responsible for the submission is obliged to this declaration, on behalf of all co-authors of the document. If the article involves studies on patients or volunteers, the necessary approval by the Ethics Committee, as well as the individual informed consent of each participant, must be included as part of the document the number of the Protocol of the Research Ethics Committee (CEP).
Copyright notice
The Legal and Human Development Law Journal reserves the copyright of the published work, together with the authors, and, by submitting the article to the journal, the author agrees with the free assignment of the article. The authors declare that any work presented, if accepted, will not be published in another medium/place, except with the express complete reference to the publication of the Journal.