Reflections and proposals for the improvement of technical expertise within the Labor Justice


The purpose of this article is to offer suggestions about improvement of the technical expertise carried out within the Labor Justice, considering that the activity is essential to the preservation and promotion of a healthy and safe working environment and for obtaining fair legal decisions in cases involving the issue of occupational accidents. Through a critical analysis, it is observed that the appointment of private experts constitutes a risk that compromises their own impartiality, being indicated alternatives for the recruitment of technical experts. In addition, guidelines for the expert’s activity are listed, as well as the Judges’ possibilities of action towards the technical reports made by the experts, since the Magistrate may choose to appoint new experts and even hear the experts to form their convincement. Based on these data and on the analysis of legal decisions, it is concluded that such measures would make it difficult for cases of corruption in expert activities to happen, increasing the technical quality of expert opinions and giving greater credibility to this important jurisdictional function, which has also been compromised by changes brought about by the Labor Reform (Law 13467/2017).

KEYWORDS: Work accident. Labour. Medical expertise. Labour Justice.


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How to Cite
Simão de Melo, R. (2018). Reflections and proposals for the improvement of technical expertise within the Labor Justice. Labor and Human Development Law Journal, 1(1).