Archiving Policy

The Labor and Human Development Law Journal (RJTDH) uses the LOCKSS[Lots Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe] system for its digital preservation. The LOCKSS system was developed by Stanford University to automatically create a replica of the journal's archives on another remote server. The system enables the creation of permanent journal archives for preservation and restoration purposes. RJTDH is part of the network created by the Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network (PKP PN), and digital preservation can be confirmed by clicking on "ARCHIVAL STATUS" on its ISSN page or via its Publication Manifesto.

The PKP developed PKP PN to preserve journals published in OJS digitally. PKP PN ensures that journals not part of any other digital preservation service can be preserved for long-term access. It allows OJS journal managers to register their journals for inclusion in PKP PN simply by enabling a plugin in their OJS installation and agreeing to the terms of the Preservation Agreement.